This week IVC had a team in Washington making calls on the members in the Senate which are dealing with the important ICV bill, The "The Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2009." or S 588. The members paid their own expenses and included Emily Ball, Laurie and Bill Dishman, Lynda and Richard Sanford, and myself. I wanted to advise you that the calls we made on the members of the Senate Committee were MOST positive.
All of us were very pleased with the feedback we received in EACH and EVERY office we visited. This bill is moving forward and we are most hopeful that the bill will be marked up in the Senate within the first couple of weeks of July. This will be a major step forward. Our next step would then be to move the bill forward towards markup in the House. Everything is on track to accomplish this goal.
We were extremely pleased with the press ICV continues to receive. This includes articles on Saturday, Sunday and Monday of this week. If you have not seen all of this great press, the links are shown below. Take time to read these great articles that support our efforts:
Saturday, June 20th AOL News: "Going over the Edge"
Sunday, June 21st Travel Talk Radio: Interview conducted by Sandy Dhuyvetter with Alexander Anolik, Travel Attorney and Author which discusses the need for this legislation
The timing of these articles COULD NOT have been better. Clearly, the world sees that there is a major problem and all of these media articles just continue to tell the public about this issue. These articles were also very helpful with the congressional calls we were making.