International Cruise Victims (ICV) urges Advisory Council appointed by Carnival Cruise Lines to take an independent review of the practices of Cruise Lines
Queensland Australia –January 26,2007
International Cruise Victims (ICV) organization is an international association made up of victims of cruise line crimes. The primary objectives of ICV are to provide support to victims of crimes that occur on cruise ships, and to act as an advocate for reform to protect passengers from crimes and increase the rights of crime victims that occur on cruise ships.
While ICV welcomes the action taken by Carnival Australia to appoint an independent review committee headed by Katie Lahey, ICV voices concerns that this advisory group will truly be independent and able to review in depth the problem of cruise line industry and the safely of it’s passengers.
Mark Brimble, Vice President of ICV. has indicated the following,
"ICV representatives would welcome the opportunity to meet with this advisory committee to discuss the many positive programs this organization has already developed to improve the safety of passengers on cruise ships. Without major reform to control and protect the safely of passengers, ICV is most concerned that the Advisory Committee will act as a Public Relation tool by P&O and not really deal with the many issues that would actually assure the safely of all passengers."
This international association has already developed a 10-point program to improve the safely for the cruise lines. In addition, they have developed a legislation proposals which would require all crimes to be reported to authorities within a four hour time frame for cruise ships arriving or departing any port in Australia. Failure to do so would subject the Captain to certain financial penalties. Only by putting in place actual requirements to have all crimes reported ICV is concerned that the passengers safety will be not assured.